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Contact: Ray Jurkowski

P.O. Box 1083
26 Railroad Avenue
Pine Plains, NY 12567
Phone: (518) 398-1411
Fax: (518) 398-1411

Email address:

Prior to 1990, the water system serving the Town of Pine Plains was a privately owned and operated water company. In 1990, The Town of Pine Plains acquired the water company facilities and created the Pine Plains Water Improvement Area.

The Pine Plains Water Improvement Area water system serves a population of approximately 880 people through 221 service connections. The Pine Plains Water Improvement Area’s water source is from two drilled wells, each approximately 110 feet deep that draw from an underground aquifer along the Wappinger Creek drainage basin. The raw water is then disinfected with sodium hypochlorite within the pump house facility to remove microbiologic contaminants prior to distributing it to our customers.
The mission of the Pine Plains Water Improvement Area is to produce, distribute and provide safe, high quality and reliable water service to residents, commercial and industrial customers within the within the Town of Pine Plains.
Our goal is to provide these services in an efficient and cost-effective manner to maintain reasonable fees and rate charges, while continually planning, maintaining, and upgrading our facilities to meet current and future needs of the community. As a financially independent department, all revenues received from water sales and other related activities remain within the department to fund its operation.
The Pine Plains Water Improvement Area is also committed to fund capital reserves for new improvements and future replacement of facilities and equipment. We are committed to fulfilling this mission in an open, courteous and professional manner and to uphold the confidence of our customers.
In fulfilling our mission, we will:
– Be responsible to serve the public and our users
– Provide prompt, courteous, and professional service to our user’s needs and requests
– Ensure fair and equitable rates and charges
– Work cooperatively with local, county, regional, state and federal agencies
– Practice professional and ethical behavior

Pine Plains Water Improvement Area Goals:
– Ensure that the Pine Plains Water Improvement Area delivers high quality and reliable water supplies for current and future needs
– Provide professional customer service and high level of customer satisfaction
– Plan, and construct quality facilities consistent with the Town’s needs and industry standards
– Effectively manage the department’s financial resources in conformance with the Town of Pine Plains policies
– Operate, maintain and protect the department to surpass Dutchess County Health Department, State Health Department, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Federal Environmental Protection Agency regulations
– Work closely with the Town of Pine Plains Planning Board, Highway Department and Building Department

Usage Rate and Billing
The current water usage rates are:
– Minimum charge of $45.00 per quarter for usage of 9,000 gallons or less
– Additional charge of $5.80 per 1,000 gallons exceeding the 9,000 gallon minimum
Meter readings are taken at the end of each quarter (March, June, September, December) and bills are issued shortly thereafter. Bills are due upon receipt and if not paid within 30 days, a 10% late charge will be incurred.
It is the policy of the Pine Plains Water Improvement Area to re-levy any overdue unpaid water balances as of November 1st,  to the following year’s county/town tax bill.

Water rents can be mailed to PPWIA P.O. Box is 1083 Pine Plains, NY 12567 or brought to the Town Hall during normal business hours. The Bank of Millbrook is no longer accepting payments.


Annual Water Quality Report link:   

Pine Plains 2022 AWQR -Final

PPWIA – 2023 AWQR (1)

Pine Plains Water Improvement Area

Water Billing Information and Payment Methods

  • Water usage is billed quarterly (End of March, June, Sept, Dec).
  • Quarterly bills are payable when received. The account is delinquent after 30 days, and a 10% late fee is assessed on the bill if the due date is missed.
  • Customers now have 3 ways to pay their water bills:
  1. Customers can pay in person by bringing a check or money order to Town Hall. Checks or money orders can be left in the Water Bill drop box located in the lobby. Town Hall is located at 3284 Route 199, Pine Plains, NY 12567
  2. Customers can mail check to:

Pine Plains Water Improvement Area

PO Box 1083

Pine Plains, NY 12567

  • Residents can also pay online with a credit card by visiting our payment website:
  • In November, all unpaid Water Bills will be re-levied on to the Property Tax Bill.